I received this wonderful commendation from the parents of an 8-year-old girl
Our daughter has been working with Sara for three months and the improvement in her reading and writing has been phenomenal. Sara sensitively worked with her and brought out the very best in her potential. Now she wants to read and write, and Sara’s visual approach was perfect for our daughter. Sara is a true professional with a wide insight into dyslexia issues, probably world class in this area. We can’t recommend her highly enough.
This email was received from the father of a nine-year-old girl six months after she completed her programme. Her goals were to increase her reading fluency and comprehension. She later returned for a Maths Programme.He has kept in touch over the last three years to send updates on her progress.
“After following the course with you, she settled into a routine whereby she would several times a day check her balance as well as do one word using the special techniques taught in the Davis programme. She told me that the blank ‘pictures’ coming in her mind started to go down. Her teachers also remarked on a ‘jump’ in her level of her understanding after reading any material. Now she is able to very quickly check her balance and re-centre if it is out of sync.
She also regularly practices with the koosh balls and it is remarkable that such a simple exercise has changed her life so much.Thanks to the Davis Programme, she managed to increase her level of English enough to be able to get a place in … one of the best schools…”
N did his programme when he was ten. His goals were to improve his reading and reduce the stress headaches which he described as ‘a monkey and weasel fighting in his head.’
N, supported by his mother and the school, worked diligently to implement his follow-up programme. The benefits were clear, four months later, when his mother sent this email:
“I had especially wanted to contact you at the end of last term to tell you how well N had done. He came 12th in class out of 25 children. At the end of last year he came 24th. Quite a jump. He came 11th in English and 6th in both maths and social studies. As you know we have stayed off the Ritalin and tried hard to implement the habits of the Davis method. It seems to be paying off.”
It was lovely to receive this message just a few weeks after working with a young girl:
“Thanks for giving such detailed feedback and devotion to {our daughter}. We can clearly see improvement in her reading, but above all, her spelling and writing skills. It’s truly working and we are ever so pleased. Thanks for helping her out.”
This is an extract from a letter written by the mother of an eleven-year-old girl six months after she completed her programme. Her goals were to improve her reading level, spelling and self confidence.
“I am so grateful to have found the Davis approach, as we had been stumbling around in the dark, for most of C’s schooling, knowing that she was very bright and yet unable to read the simplest words. As we progress with modelling the trigger words, her reading skills have soared – she is already sounding so much more fluent, and is not feeling as stressed as she was previously when having to read in front of the class. A heart-felt thank you to you for your wonderful input so far.”
I received this email from a lady, 5 years after her daughter completed her programme:
“In 2003 my daughter spent a week … on your program. Well she’s writing matric finals in 2 weeks time. Over the last few years I’ve seen her make quantum leaps. When we started off this year she wanted to do hair dressing – but by the time she wrote her prelims she ended with a C+ aggregate. She now wants to specialise in special learning needs.
I will always be eternally grateful to you for making that difference in A’s life.”
This is an extract from an email received from a boy’s mother two years after he completed his programme.
“.. I am still so grateful to you and the Davis program for all you did for him. He is going into a main stream academic High School next year.
His reading is actually coming on nicely. … I bought him a fancy cell phone for his birthday and he is actually chatting to his friends on mxit!
So fantastic to see my dyslexic son communicating via the written word!”
Thank you for all the support that you have given to J and me! We have come a long way since we first met and really appreciate all that you have done.
Lovely news about a young client of mine. His mother wrote:
“And you will be pleased to hear he no longer uses his overlay. More or less stopped it not long after seeing you last. His writing is coming on a treat and he has been moved up a maths group. His confidence has soared! His teacher at parents’ evening got all emotional saying she is so proud of him. We sat there welling up like a couple of softies.
“We are given a IEP report each parents’ evening about the progress he has made and in such a short space of time it is amazing and mainly down to you and we cannot thank you enough.”
This boy was 13 when he completed his programme. He had one goal which was to return to mainstream school. This what his mother wrote 1 month after he started at his new school.
“The school have …really embraced the fact that a Dyslexic kid is not a stupid one and have recently given my phone number to another desperate mom whose child appears to be Dyslexic, so it would seem they are impressed with the way he is overcoming his problem.Overall he loves the school. He says it is so much more interesting. Apparently he is extremely funny and the other kids enjoy having him around. He takes his Koosh balls to school in a little bag he made for them and teaches all his friends to play!! He thinks that making clay models is the solution to all reading problems and is very ready and willing to show all his mates how it’s done!…All in all it’s a very far cry from the Remedial Centre he was in and there is not a day that goes by that we are not truly grateful that we came across you and the Davis Program.”
I worked in the summer holidays with a 9 year -old girl who had found it a tough decision to give up her free time for ‘extra reading lessons’ but her work has paid of. I have just heard from her mother that
“She is doing well this term, very motivated and enjoying school and homework. She found the summer lessons hard but has obviously benefitted from enforced study! She was not keen to continue the clay work at home, but has made huge improvements in her reading, and spelling test results, 13 and 14 out of 16 in the last 2 weeks which is great. … We are really pleased with her progress and the summer has made an enormous difference, so thank you.”
{my daughter} is now on a really good footing to move forwards and all of your teaching and support has been brilliant!
And this email came 18 years after we had worked together. Lovely to keep in touch.
I have always remembered you! – and what you did for D, who was 12 at the time. He is now a man of 30! – having completed his schooling and successfully studied Project Management. He reads !!!!! – thanks to your intervention!!